Spektakl „Pieśń Ćmy”
1 września, godz. 19:00
Performance Pieśn Ćmy Marleny Niestrój jest przedstawieniem o naturze ludzkiej, która dając sobą zawładnąć ściąga na siebie pierwiastek boski, jednocześnie stwarzający i unicestwiający. Przedsięwzięcie to jest performatywno-tanecznym solowym spektaklem, opierającym się na indywidualnej ekspresji ruchowej. Jest to próba połączenia tańca emocji (skala ludzka) z przeżyciem mistycznym (skala boska).
Passion makes human rise not only above himself, but also above the limits of your mortality and earthliness, and - by lifting him so high - destroys him. [...] The moth's longing for the stars is not pure because the stars hang high in the sky, but because it is the longing of a moth that, feeding on so first aspirations, represents a contradiction of our nature.
[Carl Gustav Jung „Symbols of Transformation”]
[Carl Gustav Jung „Symbols of Transformation”]
What makes a moth risk so much to be close to the light? What is this dance of the moth with the flame, the dance of life and death, reason and instinct? What does the moth feel as it approaches its annihilating fulfillment? Or is it driven by the pleasure of knowing?
Ecstasy does not have only one side. It can be a tool to relieve tension in the body, achieve a state of happiness and joy or a means to achieve harmony between man and the absolute. It can be visionary, intellectual or amorous. It can be a mystical or philosophical experience, more or less subtle, euphoric or naive, more physical or purely mental. Thus, the term "ecstasy" broadens its meaning through a mental, ritual and mystical experience, thus moving away from a purely physical experience.
The spectacle takes us on a symbolic journey to the world of a moth whose blind and imprudent pursuit of light is the result of considerations about the human nature, which leads to self-destruction, war and destruction of the natural environment.
Premiere: Katowice Miasto Ogrodów, 5 listopada 2022 r. (w ramach VI Metavera Art Festival)
Koncepcja, reżyseria, scenografia i wykonanie: Marlena Niestrój
Costumes: Sultana Atelier. Patrycja Osińska.
Where? Katowice Miasto Ogrodów, sala koncertowa
For how much? 50 zł
The performance received support in the Teatrogranty program and a scholarship from the Creativity Support Fund.
Fot. Rafał Sandecki
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